Sunday, April 5, 2009

Taking a "husband"

It's hard to say which one of Austen's leading male characters I would most prefer for a husband, since we don't really get to know any of these characters very well. Sure, we know that Darcy is prideful but loves Elizabeth "ardently," and we know that Edward Ferrars is shy and humble. But I think I would need a little more information than this. As readers, we really only see the social manners of the men, the subtleties of their flirting, and their feelings for the heroines during proposals. So...based on only this much information, I guess I would choose Mr. Darcy. Cliche, isn't it? He certainly has manners and knows how to be perfectly polite in every situation. He's got passion, intuition (even though it's sometimes wrong), and a large estate. He is strong-willed and knows exactly what he wants, unlike perhaps Edward Ferrars or Edmund. He goes to great lengths to win the heart of the heroine--like paying for her sister's mistake of a wedding. He goes against his family's wishes if he must (all a part of his passion). And, last but not least, he writes a damn good letter. He may not be the handsomest of Austen's heroes, but he has the nerve and the passion I would most desire in a husband. Is this the type of guy I typically date? Well, I've never really dated anyone "out of my league" as far as financial or social status, so I wouldn't know how my guy would act in that situation. The one I love definitely shares Darcy's passion and is not afraid to speak his mind or share his feelings. He doesn't mind my embarassing family. Neither of us are rich, so we can take that out of the picture. I am really the one who brings the pride into the relationship; I would say I sometimes act like Elizabeth as far as always thinking I'm right. But he has, like Darcy, made me realize that I'm not always right and that I love to compromise for his happiness. I would say he is a mixture of Darcy and Edward Ferrars because he is rather shy in certain situations, and that's all right with me. I guess I'd rather have a real life husband than one from an Austen novel.

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