Sunday, January 25, 2009

Me and Elizabeth

I think out of all the characters in Pride and Prejudice, I am most like Elizabeth, as cliche as that might seem. I can identify with her family and her position within it most of all. Even though she is the second eldest, she seems to take on the role of the eldest since Jane is so passive and shy. I am the eldest of my family, although I only have one younger sister. However, she and my mother are almost the picture of Lydia and Mrs. Bennet. Not that my mother is obsessed with marrying off her daughters, but she does remind me of Mrs. Bennet sometimes with her over-drinking and ridiculous comments. My sister's personality is just about the polar opposite of mine. While I tend to enjoy solitude from time to time, a good book, and serious contemplation, she is always talking, being social and acting like "the biggest flirt that ever made her family ridiculous." Similar also to Elizabeth's life, I am the closest to my father. He doesn't find my mother and sister's behaviour entertaining most of the time like Mr. Bennet does, but we definitely have our interests in common and he is the only one I can talk to in my family about serious matters. I feel that Elizabeth and I are most alike in personality and interests than any other of the novel's characters. We both love reading, physical activity, and tend to take matters a little bit too seriously every once in a while. While we might be a bit prideful, we also aren't afraid to speak our minds or keep looking for what we think we deserve in life. Also, the love of my life doesn't happen to be extremely wealthy or live in a huge estate in the country, but I feel like I've found my own "Mr. Darcy," which (trust me I would know) isn't an easy thing to find!! Here's hoping my life continues like the perfect ending of an Austen novel.

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